
Code ISO 639-3: rus

Classification: Indo-European > Classical Indo-European > Balto-Slavic > Slavic > East Slavic > Russian

Indice de vitalité: not endangered (AES level: 1) (réf. David M. Eberhard and Gary F. Simons and Charles D. Fennig 2022)

Indice de documentation: Grammar with more than 300 pages (MED level: 0) (réf. Wade, Terence and David Gillespie and Svetlana Gural and Marina Korneeva 2020)

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Pays ou régions dans lesquelles l'entrepôt dispose d'enregistrements
Région Code Nombre
Côte d'Ivoire CI 1
France FR 1
Rechercher toutes les ressources de l'entrepôt sur cette langue: Russian

Propriétés (phonologiques, grammaticales, lexicales) de cette langue trouvées dans WALS

  • Complex Sentences:'Want' Complement Subjects = "Subject is left implicit"
  • Complex Sentences:'When' Clauses = "Balanced/deranked" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Complex Sentences:Purpose Clauses = "Balanced/deranked" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Complex Sentences:Reason Clauses = "Balanced/deranked" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Complex Sentences:Relativization on Obliques = "Relative pronoun"
  • Complex Sentences:Relativization on Subjects = "Relative pronoun"
  • Complex Sentences:Utterance Complement Clauses = "Balanced" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Lexicon:Finger and Hand = "Different" (réf. Wedel and Romanov 1964 )
  • Lexicon:Green and Blue = "Green vs. blue"
  • Lexicon:Hand and Arm = "Identical" (réf. Wedel and Romanov 1964 )
  • Lexicon:M in First Person Singular = "m in first person singular"
  • Lexicon:M in Second Person Singular = "No m in second person singular"
  • Lexicon:M-T Pronouns = "M-T pronouns, paradigmatic"
  • Lexicon:N-M Pronouns = "No N-M pronouns"
  • Lexicon:Number of Basic Colour Categories = "11"
  • Lexicon:Number of Non-Derived Basic Colour Categories = "6"
  • Lexicon:Numeral Bases = "Decimal"
  • Lexicon:Red and Yellow = "Red vs. yellow"
  • Lexicon:Tea = "Words derived from Sinitic cha"
  • Morphology:Case Syncretism = "Core and non-core"
  • Morphology:Exponence of Selected Inflectional Formatives = "Case + number" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Morphology:Exponence of Tense-Aspect-Mood Inflection = "monoexponential TAM" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Morphology:Fusion of Selected Inflectional Formatives = "Exclusively concatenative" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Morphology:Inflectional Synthesis of the Verb = "4-5 categories per word" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Morphology:Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun Phrases = "Dependent marking"
  • Morphology:Locus of Marking in the Clause = "Dependent marking"
  • Morphology:Locus of Marking: Whole-language Typology = "Dependent-marking"
  • Morphology:Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology = "Strongly suffixing" (réf. Wade 1992, Launer 1974, Krylova and Khavronina 1976, Borras and Christian 1959, Bivon 1971, Stilman and Harkins 1964 )
  • Morphology:Reduplication = "No productive reduplication" (réf. Beyer 2001 )
  • Morphology:Syncretism in Verbal Person/Number Marking = "Not syncretic"
  • Morphology:Zero Marking of A and P Arguments = "Non-zero marking"
  • Nominal Categories:Asymmetrical Case-Marking = "Syncretism in relevant NP-types" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Coding of Nominal Plurality = "Plural suffix" (réf. Stilman and Harkins 1964 )
  • Nominal Categories:Comitatives and Instrumentals = "Mixed" (réf. Berneker and Vasmer 1971 )
  • Nominal Categories:Definite Articles = "No definite or indefinite article" (réf. Stilman and Harkins 1964 )
  • Nominal Categories:Distance Contrasts in Demonstratives = "Two-way contrast" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Distributive Numerals = "Marked by preceding word"
  • Nominal Categories:Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal Pronouns = "3rd person singular only" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent Pronouns = "No inclusive/exclusive" (réf. Tauscher and Kirschbaum 1963 )
  • Nominal Categories:Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Verbal Inflection = "No inclusive/exclusive" (réf. Tauscher and Kirschbaum 1963 )
  • Nominal Categories:Indefinite Articles = "No definite or indefinite article" (réf. Stilman and Harkins 1964 )
  • Nominal Categories:Indefinite Pronouns = "Interrogative-based"
  • Nominal Categories:Intensifiers and Reflexive Pronouns = "Differentiated" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Number of Cases = "6-7 cases" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Number of Genders = "Three" (réf. Fraser and Corbett 1995, Corbett 1991 )
  • Nominal Categories:Numeral Classifiers = "Absent"
  • Nominal Categories:Occurrence of Nominal Plurality = "All nouns, always obligatory"
  • Nominal Categories:Ordinal Numerals = "First, second, three-th" (réf. Berneker and Vasmer 1971 )
  • Nominal Categories:Person Marking on Adpositions = "No person marking" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Plurality in Independent Personal Pronouns = "Person-number stem + nominal plural affix"
  • Nominal Categories:Politeness Distinctions in Pronouns = "Binary politeness distinction" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Case Affixes = "Case suffixes" (réf. Stilman and Harkins 1964 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes = "No possessive affixes" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Nominal Categories:Pronominal and Adnominal Demonstratives = "Identical" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Nominal Categories:Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender Systems = "Sex-based" (réf. Fraser and Corbett 1995, Corbett 1991 )
  • Nominal Categories:Systems of Gender Assignment = "Semantic and formal" (réf. Fraser and Corbett 1995, Corbett 1991 )
  • Nominal Categories:The Associative Plural = "No associative plural"
  • Nominal Syntax:Action Nominal Constructions = "Ergative-Possessive"
  • Nominal Syntax:Adjectives without Nouns = "Without marking"
  • Nominal Syntax:Genitives, Adjectives and Relative Clauses = "Highly differentiated"
  • Nominal Syntax:Nominal and Verbal Conjunction = "Identity"
  • Nominal Syntax:Noun Phrase Conjunction = "'And' different from 'with'" (réf. Pulkina 1978 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Number of Possessive Nouns = "None reported"
  • Nominal Syntax:Obligatory Possessive Inflection = "Absent"
  • Nominal Syntax:Possessive Classification = "No possessive classification"
  • Other:Para-Linguistic Usages of Clicks = "Affective meanings"
  • Phonology:Absence of Common Consonants = "All present" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Consonant Inventories = "Moderately large" (réf. Halle 1959, Jones and Ward 1969 )
  • Phonology:Consonant-Vowel Ratio = "High" (réf. Halle 1959, Jones and Ward 1969 )
  • Phonology:Fixed Stress Locations = "No fixed stress" (réf. Kodzasov 1999b, Unbegaun 1957, Hamilton 1980 )
  • Phonology:Front Rounded Vowels = "None" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Glottalized Consonants = "No glottalized consonants" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Lateral Consonants = "/l/, no obstruent laterals" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Presence of Uncommon Consonants = "None" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Rhythm Types = "No rhythmic stress" (réf. Kodzasov 1999b, Unbegaun 1957, Hamilton 1980 )
  • Phonology:Syllable Structure = "Complex" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:The Velar Nasal = "No velar nasal" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Phonology:Tone = "No tones" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Uvular Consonants = "None" (réf. Jones and Ward 1969, Halle 1959 )
  • Phonology:Voicing and Gaps in Plosive Systems = "None missing in /p t k b d g/" (réf. Halle 1959, Jones and Ward 1969 )
  • Phonology:Voicing in Plosives and Fricatives = "In both plosives and fricatives" (réf. Halle 1959, Jones and Ward 1969 )
  • Phonology:Vowel Nasalization = "Contrast absent" (réf. Boyanus 1955 )
  • Phonology:Vowel Quality Inventories = "Average (5-6)" (réf. Halle 1959, Jones and Ward 1969 )
  • Phonology:Weight Factors in Weight-Sensitive Stress Systems = "Lexical stress" (réf. Kodzasov 1999b, Unbegaun 1957, Hamilton 1980 )
  • Phonology:Weight-Sensitive Stress = "Unbounded: Stress can be anywhere" (réf. Kodzasov 1999b, Unbegaun 1957, Hamilton 1980 )
  • Simple Clauses:Alignment of Case Marking of Full Noun Phrases = "Nominative - accusative (standard)"
  • Simple Clauses:Alignment of Case Marking of Pronouns = "Nominative - accusative (standard)"
  • Simple Clauses:Alignment of Verbal Person Marking = "Accusative" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Antipassive Constructions = "No antipassive"
  • Simple Clauses:Applicative Constructions = "No applicative construction"
  • Simple Clauses:Comparative Constructions = "Particle" (réf. Pulkina and Zakhava-Nekrasova 1974 )
  • Simple Clauses:Ditransitive Constructions: The Verb 'Give' = "Indirect-object construction"
  • Simple Clauses:Expression of Pronominal Subjects = "Obligatory pronouns in subject position" (réf. Stilman and Harkins 1964 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Indefinite Pronouns and Predicate Negation = "Predicate negation also present" (réf. Haspelmath 1997 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Morphemes = "Negative particle" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Simple Clauses:Nominal and Locational Predication = "Identical"
  • Simple Clauses:Nonperiphrastic Causative Constructions = "Morphological but no compound" (réf. Wade 1992, Comrie 1989 )
  • Simple Clauses:Order of Person Markers on the Verb = "A and P do not or do not both occur on the verb" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Other Roles of Applied Objects = "No applicative construction"
  • Simple Clauses:Passive Constructions = "Present" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Periphrastic Causative Constructions = "Purposive but no sequential" (réf. Wade 1992, Comrie 1989 )
  • Simple Clauses:Polar Questions = "Question particle" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Simple Clauses:Predicative Adjectives = "Nonverbal encoding"
  • Simple Clauses:Predicative Possession = "Locational" (réf. Pulkina and Zakhava-Nekrasova 1974 )
  • Simple Clauses:Productivity of the Antipassive Construction = "no antipassive"
  • Simple Clauses:Reciprocal Constructions = "Mixed"
  • Simple Clauses:Subtypes of Asymmetric Standard Negation = "Non-assignable" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Symmetric and Asymmetric Standard Negation = "Symmetric" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Third Person Zero of Verbal Person Marking = "No zero realization" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Verbal Person Marking = "Only the A argument" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Simple Clauses:Zero Copula for Predicate Nominals = "Possible"
  • Verbal Categories:Coding of Evidentiality = "No grammatical evidentials"
  • Verbal Categories:Epistemic Possibility = "Verbal constructions" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Verbal Categories:Imperative-Hortative Systems = "Neither type of system"
  • Verbal Categories:Overlap between Situational and Epistemic Modal Marking = "Overlap for both possibility and necessity" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Verbal Categories:Perfective/Imperfective Aspect = "Grammatical marking" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes = "Mixed type" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Verbal Categories:Semantic Distinctions of Evidentiality = "No grammatical evidentials"
  • Verbal Categories:Situational Possibility = "Verbal constructions" (réf. Wade 1992 )
  • Verbal Categories:Suppletion According to Tense and Aspect = "Tense and aspect"
  • Verbal Categories:Suppletion in Imperatives and Hortatives = "Imperative"
  • Verbal Categories:The Future Tense = "No inflectional future" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Morphological Imperative = "Second singular and second plural"
  • Verbal Categories:The Optative = "Inflectional optative absent"
  • Verbal Categories:The Past Tense = "Present, no remoteness distinctions" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Perfect = "No perfect" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Prohibitive = "Normal imperative + normal negative"
  • Verbal Categories:Verbal Number and Suppletion = "None"
  • Word Order:Minor morphological means of signaling negation = "None" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:NegSVO Order = "No NegSVO" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adjective and Noun = "Adjective-Noun" (réf. Borras and Christian 1959, Bivon 1971, Krylova and Khavronina 1976, Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "Prepositions" (réf. Borras and Christian 1959 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adverbial Subordinator and Clause = "Initial subordinator word" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Order of Degree Word and Adjective = "Degree word-Adjective" (réf. Krylova and Khavronina 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Demonstrative and Noun = "Demonstrative-Noun" (réf. Bivon 1971, Krylova and Khavronina 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Genitive and Noun = "Noun-Genitive" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Order of Negative Morpheme and Verb = "NegV" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Order of Numeral and Noun = "Numeral-Noun" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Order of Object and Verb = "VO" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "Noun-Relative clause" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject and Verb = "SV" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject, Object and Verb = "SVO" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content Questions = "Initial interrogative phrase" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Position of Negative Word With Respect to Subject, Object, and Verb = "SNegVO" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Position of Polar Question Particles = "Second position" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Position of negative words relative to beginning and end of clause and with respect to adjacency to verb = "Immed preverbal" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Postnominal relative clauses = "Noun-Relative clause (NRel) dominant" (réf. Bivon 1971 )
  • Word Order:Postverbal Negative Morphemes = "None" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Preverbal Negative Morphemes = "NegV" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adjective and Noun = "VO and AdjN"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "VO and Prepositions"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "VO and NRel"
  • Word Order:SNegVO Order = "Word&NoDoubleNeg" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:SVNegO Order = "No SVNegO" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:SVONeg Order = "No SVONeg" (réf. Launer 1974 )
  • Word Order:The Position of Negative Morphemes in SVO Languages = "SNegVO" (réf. Launer 1974 )

Pour plus de précisions voir sur WALS (World Atlas of Language Structures), Cf.

Inventaires de phonèmes de cette langue trouvés dans PHOIBLE

  • RUSSIAN (upsid 530) (38 segments)
    a , b , bʲ , d̪ , d̪ʲ , f , fʲ , i , j , k , kʲ , l̪ʲ , l̪ˠ , m , mʲ , n̪ , n̪ʲ , p , pʲ , r̪ , r̪ʲ , s̪ , s̪ʲ , ts , t̠ʃ , t̪ , t̪ʲ , u , v , vʲ , x , z̪ , z̪ʲ , ɔ , ɛ , ɡ , ʃˠ , ʒˠ
  • Russian (ea 2261) (42 segments)
    a , b , bʲ , d̪ , d̪ʲ , e , f , fʲ , i , j , k , kʲ , l , lʲ , m , mʲ , n̪ , n̪ʲ , o , p , pʲ , r , s , sʲ , tɕ , t̪ , t̪s , t̪ʲ , u , v , vʲ , x , xʲ , z , zʲ , ɕː , ɡ , ɡʲ , ɨ , ɾʲ , ʂ , ʐ
  • Russian (spa 166) (38 segments)
    a̟ , b , bʲ , d , d̻ʲ , f , fʲ , i , j , k , kʲ , lʲ , lˠ , m , mʲ , n , n̻ʲ , o̞ , p , pʲ , r , rʲ , s , sʲ , t , ts , t̠ʃʲ , t̻ʲ , u , v , vʲ , x , z , zʲ , ɛ , ɡ , ʃˠ , ʒˠ

Références bibliographiques sur cette langue trouvées dans Glottolog

  • 1959. Antologija cuvasskoj prozy. Ceboksary: Cuvasskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. 409pp. (Text russ.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Ajgi, Gennadij N. Dedecius, Karl. 1971. Beginn der Lichtung: Gedichte. (Edition Suhrkamp, 448.) 1st edn. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. 109pp. (Aus dem Russ. übers.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Ajtmatov, Cingiz and Bozkaya-Kollontay, Günes. 1970. Beyaz gemi [Posle skazki (tür.)]. (Hür yayinlari, 60.) Istanbul: Yür Yayinevi. 160pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Alt, H., and E. Alt. 1959. Russia's Children. (cf. référence complète)
  • Amit, Emil. 1973. Silnee ljubvi : rasskazy i povest': ikjaeler ve povest'. Taskent: Edebijat ve Sanat Nesrijaty. 105pp. (Text krim-tatar). (cf. référence complète)
  • Andrews, Edna. 2001. Russian. (Languages of the World : Materials, 145.) München: LINCOM Europa. 134pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Anna Verschik. 2015. Jewish Russian. In Lily Kahn and Aaron D. Rubin (eds.), Handbook of Jewish languages, 593-598. Leiden: Brill. (cf. référence complète)
  • Appel, Daniela. 1996. Textsortenbedingter Aspekt-Tempus-Gebrauch im Russischen. (Specimina philologiae Slavicae / Supplementband, 44.) München: Sagner. x+226pp. (Hamburger Arbeiten zur slavistischen Linguistik. Hamburger Arbeiten zur slavistischen Linguistik ; 2). (cf. référence complète)
  • Asmarin, Nikolaj Ivanovich. 1968. Thesaurus linguae tschuvaschorum. (Indiana University publications : Uralic and Altaic series, 70.) Reprint [der Ausg.] Kazan' 1928 edn. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. viii+335pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Azarch, Ju. S. 1984. Slovoobrazovanie i formoobrazovanie suscestvitel'nych v istorii russkogo jazyka. Moskva: NAUKA. 246pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Baguslawski, Andrzej. 2003. Aspekt i negacja. (Semiosis Lexicographica, 12.) Warszawa: [Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej UW]. 328pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Baskakov, Nikolaj A. 1967. Russa-karakalpaksa sözlik: okolo 47000 slov'. Moskva: Izdat. Sovetskaja Enciklopedija. 1124pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Baskakov, Nikolaj A. 1968. Turkmence-rusca sözlük: okolo 40000 slov. Moskva: Izdat. Sovetskaja Enciklopedija. 832pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Baskakov, Nikolaj A. and Hamzaev, Masan J. 1956. Rysca-Turkmence sözlük: 50000 slov. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Inostrannych u Nacional'nych Slovarej. 880pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Baskakov, Nikolaj A. and Inkizekova-Grekyl, A. I. 1953. Chakassko-russkij slovar': okolo 14000 slov ; s prilozenkiem ocerka chakasskij jazyk. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Inostrannych i Nacional'nych Slovarej. 487pp. (LU: RUS. KJH). (cf. référence complète)
  • Benet, S. (ed.) 1970. The Village of Viriatino. (cf. référence complète)
  • Bergelson, M. B. and Andrej A. Kibrik. 2010. The Ninilchik variety of Russian: Linguistic heritage of Alaska. Slavica Helsingiensa 40. 299-313. (cf. référence complète)
  • Bermel, Neil. 1997. Context and the lexicon in the development of Russian aspect. (University of California Publications in Linguistics, 129.) Berkeley: University of California Press. xvii+483pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Berneker, Erich and Vasmer, Max. 1971. Russische Grammatik. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 184pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Berneker, Erich. 1911. Russische Grammatik. 2nd edn. Leipzig: G.J. Göschen. 224pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Beyer, Thomas R. 2001. Russian. In Garry, Jane and Carl Rubino (eds.), Facts About the World's Languages, An Encyclopedia of the World's Languages: Past and Present, 605-607. New York/Dublin: HW Wilson. (cf. référence complète)
  • Bivon, R. 1971. Element Order. (Studies in the Modern Russian Language, 7.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (cf. référence complète)
  • Black, C. E. 1960. The Transformation of Russian Society. (cf. référence complète)
  • Blokland, Rogier. 2005. The Russian loanwords in literary Estonian. Groningen: Univ. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Groningen; viii+672pp.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Boldyrev, Boris V. 1994. Russko-Evenkijskij slovar': okolo 20000 slov. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 498pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Borik, Olga. 2002. Aspect and Reference time. 064. Utrecht: LOT. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Utrecht; xii+207pp.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Borik, Olga. 2006. Aspect and Reference Time. (Oxford studies in theoretical linguistics, 13.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. xi+226pp. (Includes bibliographical references (p. [215]-221) and index). (cf. référence complète)
  • Born-Rauchenecker, Eva. 2001. Temporale Verbsemantik and Kohärenz im Russischen. (Slavolinguistica, 1.) München: Sagner. 354pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Borras, F. M. and Christian, R. F. 1959. Russian Syntax: Aspects of Modern Russian Syntax and Vocabulary. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 413pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Boyanus, S.C. 1955. Russian Pronunciation. London: Lund Humphries. (cf. référence complète)
  • Brown, Sue. 1999. The syntax of negation in Russian: A Minimalist approach. (Stanford monographs in linguistics.) Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. xii+154pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Burkhardt, Doris. 1990. Modale Funktionen des Verbalaspekts im Russischen?. (Slavistische Beiträge, 265.) München: Sagner. 155pp. (Zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 1989/90). (cf. référence complète)
  • Cankov, Dmitrij I. 1961. Russko-chakasskij slovar': 31000 slov. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Inostrannych i Nacional'nych Slovarej. 967pp. (Parallelsacht: Orys-hakas slovar'. - LU: RUS. KJH). (cf. référence complète)
  • Cholodovic, Aleksandr A. 1951. Korejsko-russkij slovar'. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Inostrannych i Nacionalnych Slovarej. xix+664pp. (LU: KKN. RUS). (cf. référence complète)
  • Chuzangaj, Peder. 1976. Zdravstvuj, solnce!: isbrannye stichi; perevod s cuvasskogo. Moskva: Izdat. Chudozestvennaja Literatura. 317pp. (Aus dem Tschuwaschischen übers.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Comrie, Bernard and Stone, Gerald and Polinsky, Maria. 1996. The Russian language in the twentieth century. 2nd edn. Oxford: Clarendon Press. xi+385pp. (2nd ed., rev. and expanded of The russian language since the revolution by Bernard Comrie and Gerald Stone). (cf. référence complète)
  • Cooper, Brian. 2003. Of cabbages - and kings: lexicological and etymological studies on Russian plant nomenclature. Keyworth, Nottingham: Astra Press. xii+220pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Cubberley, Paul. 2002. Russian, a linguistic introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. xvi+380pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Cydendambaev, Cybik B. and Imechenov, Mamvej N. 1962. Kratkij russko-burjatskij slovar'. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Inostrannych u Nacional'nych Slovarej. 646pp. (Parallelsacht.: Orod-burjad helenej tobso slovar'). (cf. référence complète)
  • Damba-Rincine, Aleksandr R. Sanzeev, Garma D. and Mupkin, Galdan D. 1960. Russkij-mongolskij slovar': okolo 30000 slov. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdat. Inostrannych i Nacionalnych Slovarej. 780pp. (Parallelsacht.: Oros mongol tol'. - LU: RUS. KHK). (cf. référence complète)
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