
Code ISO 639-3: kal

Classification: Eskimo-Aleut > Eskimo > Inuit > Greenlandic Inuit > Kalaallisut

Indice de vitalité: threatened (AES level: 2) (réf. Campbell, Lyle and Lee, Nala Huiying and Okura, Eve and Simpson, Sean and Ueki, Kaori 2022)

Indice de documentation: Grammar with more than 300 pages (MED level: 0) (réf. Otho Fabricius 1801)

Ressources dans l'entrepôt

Pays ou régions dans lesquelles l'entrepôt dispose d'enregistrements
Région Code Nombre
Greenland GL 5
Rechercher toutes les ressources de l'entrepôt sur cette langue: Kalaallisut

Propriétés (phonologiques, grammaticales, lexicales) de cette langue trouvées dans WALS

  • Complex Sentences:'When' Clauses = "Deranked" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Complex Sentences:Purpose Clauses = "Deranked" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Complex Sentences:Reason Clauses = "Deranked" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Complex Sentences:Relativization on Obliques = "Gap" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Complex Sentences:Relativization on Subjects = "Gap" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Complex Sentences:Utterance Complement Clauses = "Balanced/deranked" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Lexicon:Finger and Hand = "Different" (réf. Robbe and Dorais 1986a )
  • Lexicon:Hand and Arm = "Different" (réf. Robbe and Dorais 1986a )
  • Lexicon:M in First Person Singular = "m in first person singular" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Lexicon:M in Second Person Singular = "m in second person singular" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Lexicon:M-T Pronouns = "M-T pronouns, non-paradigmatic" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Lexicon:N-M Pronouns = "No N-M pronouns" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Lexicon:Numeral Bases = "Hybrid vigesimal-decimal" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Case Syncretism = "Core cases only" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Exponence of Selected Inflectional Formatives = "Case + number" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Exponence of Tense-Aspect-Mood Inflection = "monoexponential TAM" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Fusion of Selected Inflectional Formatives = "Exclusively concatenative" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Inflectional Synthesis of the Verb = "4-5 categories per word" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun Phrases = "Double marking" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Locus of Marking in the Clause = "Double marking" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Locus of Marking: Whole-language Typology = "Double-marking" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology = "Strongly suffixing" (réf. Woodbury 1977, Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Reduplication = "No productive reduplication" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Syncretism in Verbal Person/Number Marking = "Not syncretic" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Morphology:Zero Marking of A and P Arguments = "Non-zero marking" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Asymmetrical Case-Marking = "Syncretism in relevant NP-types" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Coding of Nominal Plurality = "Plural suffix" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Comitatives and Instrumentals = "Differentiation" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Definite Articles = "No definite or indefinite article" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Distance Contrasts in Demonstratives = "Three-way contrast" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal Pronouns = "No gender distinctions" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent Pronouns = "No inclusive/exclusive" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Verbal Inflection = "No inclusive/exclusive" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Indefinite Articles = "No definite or indefinite article" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Indefinite Pronouns = "Interrogative-based" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Intensifiers and Reflexive Pronouns = "Identical" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Number of Cases = "8-9 cases" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Number of Genders = "None" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Occurrence of Nominal Plurality = "All nouns, always obligatory" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Ordinal Numerals = "First, second, three-th" (réf. Robbe and Dorais 1986a )
  • Nominal Categories:Ordinal Numerals = "First, second, three-th" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Person Marking on Adpositions = "Pronouns only" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Plurality in Independent Personal Pronouns = "Person-number stem" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Politeness Distinctions in Pronouns = "No politeness distinction" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Case Affixes = "Case suffixes" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes = "Possessive suffixes" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Pronominal and Adnominal Demonstratives = "Identical" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender Systems = "No gender" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Systems of Gender Assignment = "No gender" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:The Associative Plural = "Unique affixal associative plural" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Categories:Third Person Pronouns and Demonstratives = "Related to non-remote demonstratives" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Action Nominal Constructions = "Restricted" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Nominal and Verbal Conjunction = "Identity" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Noun Phrase Conjunction = "'And' identical to 'with'" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Number of Possessive Nouns = "None reported" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Obligatory Possessive Inflection = "Absent" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Possessive Classification = "No possessive classification" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Phonology:Absence of Common Consonants = "All present" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Consonant Inventories = "Average" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Consonant-Vowel Ratio = "Moderately high" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Fixed Stress Locations = "Ultimate" (réf. Fortescue 1984, Rischel 1974, Schultz-Lorentzen 1945 )
  • Phonology:Front Rounded Vowels = "None" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Glottalized Consonants = "No glottalized consonants" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Lateral Consonants = "/l/ and lateral obstruent" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Presence of Uncommon Consonants = "None" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Rhythm Types = "Undetermined" (réf. Rischel 1974, Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Phonology:Syllable Structure = "Moderately complex" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:The Velar Nasal = "No initial velar nasal" (réf. Vakhtin 1997 )
  • Phonology:Tone = "No tones" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Uvular Consonants = "Uvular stops and continuants" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Voicing and Gaps in Plosive Systems = "Other" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Voicing in Plosives and Fricatives = "In fricatives alone" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Vowel Nasalization = "Contrast absent" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Phonology:Vowel Quality Inventories = "Small (2-4)" (réf. Rischel 1974 )
  • Phonology:Weight Factors in Weight-Sensitive Stress Systems = "Long vowel or coda consonant" (réf. Fortescue 1984, Rischel 1974, Schultz-Lorentzen 1945 )
  • Phonology:Weight-Sensitive Stress = "Fixed stress (no weight-sensitivity)" (réf. Fortescue 1984, Rischel 1974, Schultz-Lorentzen 1945 )
  • Simple Clauses:Alignment of Case Marking of Full Noun Phrases = "Ergative - absolutive" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Alignment of Case Marking of Pronouns = "Neutral" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Alignment of Verbal Person Marking = "Accusative" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Antipassive Constructions = "Oblique patient" (réf. Fortescue 1984, Woodbury 1977 )
  • Simple Clauses:Applicative Constructions = "Benefactive and other; both bases" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Comparative Constructions = "Locational" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Ditransitive Constructions: The Verb 'Give' = "Secondary-object construction" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Expression of Pronominal Subjects = "Subject affixes on verb" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Indefinite Pronouns and Predicate Negation = "Predicate negation also present" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Morphemes = "Negative affix" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Nominal and Locational Predication = "Different" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Nonperiphrastic Causative Constructions = "Morphological but no compound" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Order of Person Markers on the Verb = "A precedes P" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Other Roles of Applied Objects = "Instrument"
  • Simple Clauses:Passive Constructions = "Present" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Polar Questions = "Interrogative verb morphology" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Predicative Adjectives = "Mixed" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Predicative Possession = "'Have'" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Productivity of the Antipassive Construction = "productive" (réf. Woodbury 1977, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Reciprocal Constructions = "Identical to reflexive" (réf. Fortescue 2007 )
  • Simple Clauses:Subtypes of Asymmetric Standard Negation = "A/Cat" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Symmetric and Asymmetric Standard Negation = "Asymmetric" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Third Person Zero of Verbal Person Marking = "No zero realization" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Verbal Person Marking = "Both the A and P arguments" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Simple Clauses:Zero Copula for Predicate Nominals = "Impossible" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Coding of Evidentiality = "Verbal affix or clitic" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Coding of Evidentiality = "Verbal affix or clitic" (réf. Swadesh 1946a )
  • Verbal Categories:Epistemic Possibility = "Affixes on verbs" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Imperative-Hortative Systems = "Neither type of system" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Overlap between Situational and Epistemic Modal Marking = "Overlap for both possibility and necessity" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Perfective/Imperfective Aspect = "No grammatical marking" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes = "Tense-aspect suffixes" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Semantic Distinctions of Evidentiality = "Indirect only" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Semantic Distinctions of Evidentiality = "Indirect only" (réf. Swadesh 1946a )
  • Verbal Categories:Situational Possibility = "Affixes on verbs" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Suppletion According to Tense and Aspect = "None" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Suppletion in Imperatives and Hortatives = "None (= no suppletive imperatives reported in the reference material)"
  • Verbal Categories:The Future Tense = "Inflectional future exists" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Morphological Imperative = "Second singular and second plural" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Optative = "Inflectional optative absent" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Past Tense = "No past tense" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Perfect = "No perfect" (réf. Dahl 1985 )
  • Verbal Categories:The Prohibitive = "Special imperative + special negative" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Verbal Categories:Verbal Number and Suppletion = "None" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Minor morphological means of signaling negation = "None" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:NegSOV Order = "No NegSOV" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adjective and Noun = "Noun-Adjective" (réf. Woodbury 1977, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "Postpositions" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Degree Word and Adjective = "Degree word-Adjective" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Demonstrative and Noun = "Mixed" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Genitive and Noun = "Genitive-Noun" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Negative Morpheme and Verb = "[V-Neg]" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Numeral and Noun = "Noun-Numeral" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Object and Verb = "OV" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Object, Oblique, and Verb = "OXV" (réf. Woodbury 1977, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "Noun-Relative clause" (réf. Woodbury 1977, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject and Verb = "SV" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject, Object and Verb = "SOV" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content Questions = "Not initial interrogative phrase" (réf. Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Position of Negative Word With Respect to Subject, Object, and Verb = "MorphNeg" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Position of Polar Question Particles = "No question particle" (réf. Fortescue 1984, Schultz-Lorentzen 1945 )
  • Word Order:Postnominal relative clauses = "Noun-Relative clause (NRel) dominant" (réf. Woodbury 1977, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Postverbal Negative Morphemes = "[V-Neg]" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Preverbal Negative Morphemes = "None" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adjective and Noun = "OV and NAdj"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "OV and Postpositions"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "OV and NRel"
  • Word Order:SNegOV Order = "No SNegOV" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:SONegV Order = "No SONegV" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:SOVNeg Order = "Suffix&NoDoubleNeg" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )
  • Word Order:The Position of Negative Morphemes in SOV Languages = "SO[V-Neg]" (réf. Schultz-Lorentzen 1945, Fortescue 1984 )

Pour plus de précisions voir sur WALS (World Atlas of Language Structures), Cf. http://wals.info/languoid/lect/wals_code_grw

Inventaires de phonèmes de cette langue trouvés dans PHOIBLE

  • INUIT (upsid 388) (22 segments)
    a , fː , i , k , l̪ , m , n̪ , p , q , s̪|s , t̪ , t̪s̪|ts , u , xː , ŋ , ɣ , ɬ̪ː , ʁ , ʃ , ʝ , β , χː
  • Inuit (spa 62) (38 segments)
    a , aː , fː , h , i , k , kː , l , m , mː , n , nː , p , pː , q , qː , s̻ , s̻ː , t , tː , tːs , u , xː , ŋ , ŋː , ɣ , ɪː , ɬː , ɴ , ɴː , ʁ , ʃ , ʃː , ʊː , ʔ , ʝ , β , χː

Références bibliographiques sur cette langue trouvées dans Glottolog

Seules sont affichées les 100 premières référence. Pour une liste exhaustive sur Glottolog

Autres liens sur cette langue

Informations tirées de Lexvo.org, de dbpedia.org, de WALS, de PHOIBLE, et de Glottolog