Chang Naga

Code ISO 639-3: nbc

Classification: Sino-Tibetan > Brahmaputran > Konyak > Konyak I > Chang Naga

Indice de vitalité: threatened (AES level: 2) (réf. Moseley, Christopher 2010)

Indice de documentation: Grammar sketch (MED level: 2) (réf. J. H. Hutton 1987)

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Région Code Nombre
India IN 1
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Propriétés (phonologiques, grammaticales, lexicales) de cette langue trouvées dans WALS

  • Morphology:Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology = "Equal prefixing and suffixing" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Nominal Categories:Coding of Nominal Plurality = "Plural suffix" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Nominal Categories:Definite Articles = "No definite or indefinite article" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Nominal Categories:Indefinite Articles = "No definite or indefinite article" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Case Affixes = "Postpositional clitics" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes = "Possessive prefixes" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Simple Clauses:Expression of Pronominal Subjects = "Optional pronouns in subject position" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Morphemes = "Negative affix" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Simple Clauses:Polar Questions = "Mixture of previous two types" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Verbal Categories:Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes = "Tense-aspect suffixes" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Internally-headed relative clauses = "Internally-headed or RelN" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Minor morphological means of signaling negation = "None" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:NegSOV Order = "No NegSOV" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adjective and Noun = "No dominant order" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "Postpositions" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Demonstrative and Noun = "Demonstrative-Noun" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Genitive and Noun = "Genitive-Noun" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Negative Morpheme and Verb = "[Neg-V]" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Numeral and Noun = "Noun-Numeral" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Object and Verb = "OV" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "Mixed" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject and Verb = "SV" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject, Object and Verb = "SOV" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content Questions = "Not initial interrogative phrase" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Position of Negative Word With Respect to Subject, Object, and Verb = "MorphNeg" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Position of Polar Question Particles = "Final" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Postverbal Negative Morphemes = "None" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Prenominal relative clauses = "RelN or internally-headed" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Preverbal Negative Morphemes = "[Neg-V]" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adjective and Noun = "Other"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "OV and Postpositions"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "Other"
  • Word Order:SNegOV Order = "No SNegOV" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:SONegV Order = "Prefix&NoDoubleNeg" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:SOVNeg Order = "NoSOVNeg" (réf. Hutton 1987 )
  • Word Order:The Position of Negative Morphemes in SOV Languages = "SO[Neg-V]" (réf. Hutton 1987 )

Pour plus de précisions voir sur WALS (World Atlas of Language Structures), Cf.

Références bibliographiques sur cette langue trouvées dans Glottolog

  • Chang, Imlong. 1956. A guide book in Chang Naga dialect of Anglo-Chang for learning Chang Naga dialect. Mokokchung, Assam: Sri Imlong Chang. 101pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Chang, Imlong. 1956. Chang Naga dialect and English equivalents. Mokokchung, Assam: Sri Imlong Chang. (cf. référence complète)
  • Chor, Wan Ting. 2011. A sketch grammar of Chang. (MA thesis, Nanyang Technological University; 51pp.) (cf. référence complète)
  • French, Walter Thomas. 1983. Northern Naga: A Tibeto-Burman Mesolanguage. Ann Arbor: UMI. (Doctoral dissertation, City University of New York; 763pp.) (cf. référence complète)
  • George A. Grierson. 1903. Tibeto-Burman Family: Specimens of the Bodo, Nāgā, and Kachin Groups. (Linguistic Survey of India, III(II).) In Grierson, G.A. (ed.) Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing. 534pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Hutton, J.H. 1987. Chang Language. Grammar and Vocabulary of The Language of the Chang Naga Tribe. Gian Publishing House. Delhi, India. (cf. référence complète)
  • J. H. Hutton. 1929. Outline of Chang Grammar. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, New Series XXV. 1-101. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. N. S. XXV. (cf. référence complète)
  • J. H. Hutton. 1987. Chang Language: Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of the Chang Naga Tribe. ed. and rev. ed. edn. Delhi: Gian Publishing House, Shakti Nagar. vi+121pp. (Revised and Edited by Satkari Mukhopadhyay). (cf. référence complète)
  • Marrison, Geoffrey E. 1967. The classification of the Naga languages of North East India. (Doctoral dissertation, University of London; 300+460pp.) (cf. référence complète)

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