Eastern Tamang

Code ISO 639-3: taj

Classification: Sino-Tibetan > Bodic > Kaike-Ghale-Tamangic > Ghale-Tamangic > Tamangic > Nuclear Tamang > Eastern Tamang

Indice de vitalité: threatened (AES level: 2) (réf. Moseley, Christopher 2010)

Indice de documentation: Grammar with more than 300 pages (MED level: 0) (réf. Poudel, Kedar Prasad 2002)

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Pays ou régions dans lesquelles l'entrepôt dispose d'enregistrements
Région Code Nombre
Nepal NP 3
Rechercher toutes les ressources de l'entrepôt sur cette langue: Eastern Tamang

Propriétés (phonologiques, grammaticales, lexicales) de cette langue trouvées dans WALS

  • Lexicon:Numeral Bases = "Pure vigesimal" (réf. Matisoff 1997 )
  • Morphology:Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology = "Strongly suffixing" (réf. Taylor 1973, Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Nominal Categories:Coding of Nominal Plurality = "Plural word" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Nominal Categories:Conjunctions and Universal Quantifiers = "Formally similar, with interrogative" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Nominal Categories:Definite Articles = "Demonstrative word used as definite article" (réf. Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Nominal Categories:Indefinite Articles = "Indefinite word same as 'one'" (réf. Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Nominal Categories:Position of Case Affixes = "Postpositional clitics" (réf. Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Nominal Categories:The Associative Plural = "Unique affixal associative plural"
  • Nominal Syntax:Adjectives without Nouns = "Without marking" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Nominal Syntax:Genitives, Adjectives and Relative Clauses = "Highly differentiated" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Phonology:Absence of Common Consonants = "All present" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Consonant Inventories = "Moderately large" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Consonant-Vowel Ratio = "Average" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Front Rounded Vowels = "None" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Glottalized Consonants = "No glottalized consonants" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Lateral Consonants = "/l/, no obstruent laterals" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Presence of Uncommon Consonants = "None" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Syllable Structure = "Moderately complex" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Tone = "Simple tone system" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Uvular Consonants = "None" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Voicing and Gaps in Plosive Systems = "Other" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Voicing in Plosives and Fricatives = "No voicing constrast" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Phonology:Vowel Quality Inventories = "Average (5-6)" (réf. Mazaudon 1973 )
  • Simple Clauses:Ditransitive Constructions: The Verb 'Give' = "Indirect-object construction" (réf. Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Indefinite Pronouns and Predicate Negation = "Predicate negation also present" (réf. Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Simple Clauses:Negative Morphemes = "Negative particle" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Simple Clauses:Polar Questions = "Question particle" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Verbal Categories:Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes = "Tense-aspect suffixes" (réf. Taylor 1973, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Minor morphological means of signaling negation = "None" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:NegSOV Order = "No NegSOV" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adjective and Noun = "Adjective-Noun" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "Postpositions" (réf. Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Order of Adverbial Subordinator and Clause = "Subordinating suffix" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Demonstrative and Noun = "Demonstrative-Noun" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Order of Genitive and Noun = "Genitive-Noun" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Negative Morpheme and Verb = "NegV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Order of Numeral and Noun = "Noun-Numeral" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Order of Object and Verb = "OV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "Relative clause-Noun" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject and Verb = "SV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Order of Subject, Object and Verb = "SOV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content Questions = "Not initial interrogative phrase" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Position of Negative Word With Respect to Subject, Object, and Verb = "SONegV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Position of Polar Question Particles = "Final" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Position of negative words relative to beginning and end of clause and with respect to adjacency to verb = "Immed preverbal" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Postverbal Negative Morphemes = "None" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Prenominal relative clauses = "Relative clause-Noun (RelN) dominant" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:Preverbal Negative Morphemes = "NegV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adjective and Noun = "OV and AdjN"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase = "OV and Postpositions"
  • Word Order:Relationship between the Order of Object and Verb and the Order of Relative Clause and Noun = "OV and RelN"
  • Word Order:SNegOV Order = "No SNegOV" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:SONegV Order = "Word&NoDoubleNeg" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:SOVNeg Order = "NoSOVNeg" (réf. Mazaudon 2003, Mazaudon 1976 )
  • Word Order:The Position of Negative Morphemes in SOV Languages = "SONegV" (réf. Mazaudon 1976, Mazaudon 2003 )

Pour plus de précisions voir sur WALS (World Atlas of Language Structures), Cf. http://wals.info/languoid/lect/wals_code_tam

Inventaires de phonèmes de cette langue trouvés dans PHOIBLE

  • TAMANG (upsid 561) (29 segments)
    a , a̤ , e , e̤ , h , i , i̤ , j , k , kʰ , l̪ , m , n̪ , o , o̤ , p , pʰ , r̪ , s̪ , ts͇ , ts͇ʰ , t̪ , t̪s̪ , t̪s̪ʰ , t̪ʰ , u , ṳ , w , ŋ
  • Tamang (ea 2451) (47 segments)
    a , ai , au , aː , e , eː , h , i , iː , i̯a , i̯ai , i̯au , i̯aː , i̯o , i̯oi , i̯oː , i̯u , i̯uaː , i̯ui , i̯uː , j , k , kʰ , l , m , n , o , oi , oː , p , pʰ , r , s , t , ts , tsʰ , tʰ , u , uː , u̯a , u̯ai , u̯aː , u̯i , w , ŋ , ʈ , ʈʰ

Références bibliographiques sur cette langue trouvées dans Glottolog

  • 2004. bhitte patro 2060-2061 lhochar (Calendar 2004-2005 New Year). (cf. référence complète)
  • ISO 639-3 Registration Authority. 2014. Change Request Number 2014-035: adopted merge [tsf], adopted update [taj] (2015-01-12). Dallas: SIL International. (cf. référence complète)
  • Lee, Sung-Woo. 2011. Eastern Tamang Grammar Sketch. (MA thesis, Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics; xvii+176pp.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Martine Mazaudon. 2003. Tamang. In Graham Thurgood and Randy J. LaPolla (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages, 291-314. London & New York: Routledge. (cf. référence complète)
  • Martine Mazaudon. 2017. Tamang. In Graham Thurgood and Randy J. LaPolla (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages, 468-493. 2nd edn. London & New York: Routledge. (cf. référence complète)
  • Mazaudon, M. 1973. Phonologie Tamang (Nepal). (Collection Tradition Orale, 4.) Paris: Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France. (cf. référence complète)
  • Mazaudon, Martine. 1973. Phonologie tamang: étude phonologigue du dialecte tamang de Risiangku (langue tibéto-birmane du Népal). (Langues et civilisations à tradition orale, 4.) Paris: SELAF. 192pp. (Summary in English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish Includes index Bibliography: p. [173]-175). (cf. référence complète)
  • Mazaudon, Martine. 1976. Typological sketch of Tamang. Handout used in presentation at University of California, Manuscript. (cf. référence complète)
  • P. Perumalsamy. 2009. Tamang. In Sikkim: Part-I, 388-455. Kolkata, India: Language Division Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner. (cf. référence complète)
  • Poudel, Kedar Prasad. 2002. A Descriptive Study of Tamang. (Doctoral dissertation, Kirtipur: Tribhuvan University; 415pp.) (cf. référence complète)
  • Poudel, Kedar Prasad. 2006. Dhankute Tamang grammar. (Languages of the World/Materials, 454.) München: Lincom. 181pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Rameśakumār Tāmāṅ. 2000. Tāmāṅ tām-bon = Tamang-Nepali-English dictionary = Tāmāṅa śabda-kośa. Khoṭāṅa: Sāṅge 'Lo'sāṅ Tāmāṅa Gumbā. 232pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Trail, Ronald L. 1973. Patterns in clause, sentence, and discourse in selected languages of India and Nepal 2: Clause. (Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields, 41.) Norman: SIL of the University of Oklahoma. (cf. référence complète)
  • Trail, Ronald L. 1973. Patterns in clause, sentence, and discourse in selected languages of India and Nepal 4: Word lists. Norman: SIL of the University of Oklahoma. (cf. référence complète)
  • Varenkamp, Bryan. 1996. Tamang tam: a sociolinguistic study of Eastern Tamang dialects (in Nepal). Kirtipur: Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University. xx+135pp. (cf. référence complète)
  • Varenkamp, Bryan. 2003. A look at -ba in Central Eastern Tamang. In Tej Ratna Kansakar and Mark Turin (eds.), Themes in himalayan languages and linguistics, 219-232. Heidelberg and Kathmandu: South Asia Institute and Tribhuvan University. (cf. référence complète)
  • Yoncan, Amrit. 2054 B.S. [1997]. Tamang vyakaran [Tamang grammar]. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. (cf. référence complète)

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Informations tirées de Lexvo.org, de dbpedia.org, de WALS, de PHOIBLE, et de Glottolog