
Many websites are dedicated to the digitization of audiovisual data. There is no question here of taking up or synthesizing all this information.We will therefore mention only two documents. These documents have the advantage of being written in French, of giving an administrative point of view even if they are supported by technical considerations.

  • In the digitization section of the Archives de France website: , you will find among a set of interesting resources, including:
    • The technical guide Écrire un cahier des charges de numérisation du patrimoine - Documents reliés, manuscrits, plans, dessins, photographies, microformes. This guide presents, in addition to technical aspects specific to the digitization of the media in question, methodological aspects that remain valid for other types of media.
    • The document Écrire un cahier des charges de numérisation de collections sonores, audiovisuelles et filmiques, Paris, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, comité de pilotage numérisation, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2009, 33 p. completes the first guide on the specific aspects of these other media.